Wednesday, June 30, 2010

First stop is the hardest.

Well, I am doing it. I'm crazy and it's going to suck. The end of my lungs being chained to carcinogens. It's 11:13pm. I am going to quit starting 12:00am July 1st. It was a smart, quick decision.

First things first. I'm a smoker, and it sucks. I can't ever say I'm proud I smoke, or I'm proud I throw at least a thousand dollars away each year. I can say I'm proud when I reach my first goal. After that, we should be good.

So, what's my plan? Well, I plan to go through the worst of the cravings and withdrawals before the 4th of July. If I can make it to July 5th without 1 smoke, I will have met my first goal. July 5th @12:00am. That is 4 days, and after that I heard it's downhill...

Taking some advice from my hubby's friend, I just have to use willpower. LOL that's a good one. I have been told how hard this is, but I can do it.

More of my plan.... Caffeine, Tylenol, Excedrin, Hot Bath, Swimming, Work, Wii Fit, Blogging. That's a lot to do. I hope I can succeed, I will post @ least twice a day, so follow along if you wish. I hope that I can track my whole journey till July 1st, 2011 when I will have my AA and I'll be smoke free!!!

I'm going to go have my last one!
